UCR Additional Information


Questions are often raised concerning the UCR reports and where CrimeStar gets the data that is tabulated into those reports. The following information should help you troubleshoot or identify the source of information contained in these reports.


The following reports obtain their information directly from the Incident Module:


Return A Monthly Return of Offenses

Return A Property Stolen by Classification

Supplement to Return A Property By Type and Value (See: UCR Property Codes)

Return-A Supplemental Homicide Report

Return of Arson Offenses


These reports tabulate Part I offenses. Part I offenses are identified with certain UCR Codes. UCR codes where the first two characters range from 01 through 08 (See: Uniform Crime Report Offenses) are used for these reports. Likewise, stolen and recovered property is classified using standard UCR property classification codes of A through K. Note: Code D represents stolen motor vehicles. Crimestar does not obtain vehicle information from the property section of the incident report, but rather from the vehicle page of the Incident module.



When an incident report is created concerning a certain crime, any arrested person should simply be referenced as a suspect with the incident report. The rational here is simple. A person is a suspect regardless of whether he/she has been arrested. Information regarding persons who are arrested is captured in the Arrest & Booking Module.


The following reports obtain their information from the Arrest & Booking Module:


UCR Age Sex Race and Ethnic Origin of Persons Arrested (Over 18)

UCR Age Sex Race and Ethnic Origin of Persons Arrested (Under 18)

Disposition of Juveniles


These reports tabulate arrest information for both Part I and many Part II offenses as defined by the federal UCR standards.


In addition to producing the standard UCR reports CrimeStar will present you with the option of printing the UCR Audit Reports. These reports are a line item list of all the data records used by the software to produce the UCR reports for the date range specified. We would always suggest that you print the Audit reports as it may help you identify exactly what data record(s) within the system that may have been mis-coded resulting in an inaccurate report.





See Also : Selecting a Printer
  How to Print a Report
  UCR Offense Classification
  UCR Property Classification Codes
  UCR Unfounded / Clearances