Property Room - Console


The Property Room Console is designed to provide an easy way to update the status tracking logs of property items. Tracking can be updated by Incident or By Random Items. The console is also barcode enabled allowing rapid status updates to be performed with a barcode scanner rather than the keyboard.


Updating Property By Incident #


To update the tracking status of and items associated with a specific Incident report, click on the By Incident # page. Enter the Incident # or Other # that references the Property item and click the Recall button. All the property Items associated with the referenced Identification number will be recalled and presented in Property Items for this Incident list. As each specific item is selected from the list the related tracking information for that item will be displayed in the Selected Items Status/Tracking Records list. From this list you can add or delete specific Tracking references. To enter a status tracking record for a specific item or all the items in the list, enter the appropriate information in the New Status Values section of the page, and click the Apply New Status to selected Item or Apply New Status to ALL Items button depending on the type of update desired.


When the Property Room Console form is open and the "By Incident #" page is active, scanning a bar-coded property item will recall all the items associated with same incident as the property item scanned.


Updating Random Items of Property


To update the tracking status of multiple random items of property, select the By Random Items page of the Property Room Console form. Enter the Incident # and Item # for the article of property you wish to update and click the Add Item to List button. The item will then appear on the List of Property Items. Continue the same steps until all items you wish to update appear on the list. Next, enter the new status Date, Time, Status, Location and Contact information on the right side of the page and click the Apply this Status to All Items button to add a new item status to the tracking information for each item on the Item list. Once all the items have been updated, the new status information fields will clear, however the list of selected items will remain so that additional status entries may be applied to the same list of items.


To update random items using a barcode scanner perform the following steps:


1.) Scan the Multi-Item Checkout command barcode to enter the Multi-Checkout mode. If the Property Room Console form is open it will switch to the By Random Items page. If the form is not already open, scanning this command barcode will activate the form and set it to the By Random Items page.

2.) Scan the appropriate property status, location and contact barcodes and the property item barcodes in any order desired. If you wish to clear the scanned entries and start over again, scan the CLEAR INPUT command barcode. This will clear all input while remaining in Multi-Item checkout mode.

3.) To complete the transaction scan the ENTER Transaction command barcode. To cancel the transaction, scan the CANCEL Transaction command barcode. Canceling the Transaction will close the Property Room Console form.


Note: Scanning a bar-coded property item when the Property Room Console form is not open, will recall the Property Record detail page for that specific item.



See Also: Property Tracking