Property & Evidence


The Property & Evidence module is designed to capture information about property that is both in and not in the possession of law enforcement. Property entered into this module is referenced by the Incident # with which it is associated. Additionally, the property items are described using the appropriate Article Brand Category identification criteria. Articles listed in the property module are flagged to indicate the reason for being listed (Stolen, Recovered, etc). Along with each reason for the listing of the property there is an associated value field. These fields are used in conjunction with each other to create the UCR reports as required by the FBI. The property module exists as a standalone module or as a page insert to the Incident module. In both of these circumstances the capabilities and functionality of the property module is virtually the same.


The property module also contains a barcode enabled tracking file with option voice confirmation.



See Also : Modules
  Property Tracking
  Property UCR Codes
  Property Room - Console
  UCR Property Codes