Photo Lineup   (Not Available in the Basic / 'Lite' Edition)


The Photo Lineup form provides a quick and easy way to create a six-image photo lineup. Once a lineup has been created it can be printed and used as an investigative tool. To create a lineup select the Admin option from the main menu. Then select Photo Lineup from the Admin Menu. This action will display the Photo Lineup Form. Once the Photo Lineup form is displayed simply set each of the six image panels to an image. There are several ways to do this;


From Disk: By clicking on the button labeled From Disk you will activate a file dialog box that will allow you to import a graphics file image directly from your floppy or hard disk drive. Images imported from disk are always placed in the upper right hard panel (Panel #3).


·   Note that you can not SAVE a lineup that has been created by importing a photo From Disk. To Save a lineup all the images used MUST be associated with a Master Name Index record and must have been selected from either the Photo Picker, Thumbnails or imported via a Drag & Drop operation directly from a Master Name record.


Photo Picker: By Clicking on the button labeled Photo Picker you will activate the Photo Picker form. This form will allow you to step through all the images in the Master Name Index Photo File. You can copy an image from the photo picker form to the photo lineup form by dragging and dropping. To do this place the mouse over the image on the photo picker form, clicking and holding down the left mouse button, and while holding down the left mouse button dragging the mouse over the panel on the photo lineup page where you wish the image to be displayed. You can also place images into an image panel by dragging and dropping a copy of an image from a Master Name Index record.


Thumbnails: This is another way to view images for placement on the photo lineup page. See Thumbnails


The printed photo lineup (Labeled Photo Identification) is intentionally simple without any extra language or instructions on the printed page. This provides you with the greatest flexibility in the use of the six-photo line-up. When showing a lineup it is usually a good idea to give the victim or identifier a simple admonishment similar to the following:


"You are asked to look at several photographs. The fact that photographs are shown to you should not influence your judgement. You should not conclude nor guess that the photos contain the picture of the person who committed the crime. You should not conclude that the subjects in the photos are criminals because their photos are in a photo identification lineup. You are not obligated to identify anyone. It is just as important to free innocent persons from suspicion as to identify guilty parties. Please do not discuss the case with other possible witnesses or indicate in any way that you have identified someone. Take into consideration that photographs often do not depict what an individual looks like at the present time. Therefore, special effort should be made to identify the responsible by all physical characteristics."


Check with your local prosecutor to determine what if any admonishment should be provided to victims and witnesses when viewing a photo identification lineup.