FBI - NIBRS (Overview)


The FBI National Incident Based Reporting (NIBRS) Is an electronic reporting format that is much more extensive than the old summary based Uniform Crime Report (UCR) system.  Effective in 2021, the FBI will no longer accept summary UCR data submissions.  Crimestar RMS has been designed to be compliant with the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) as defined by the FBI and has been compliant with the federal published specifications since 2003.


The Incident Based Reporting (IBR) system in your particular state may or may not be 100% compliant with the published FBI standard for IBR reporting.  Therefore, the degree that Crimestars IBR output is compliant in your specific state depends largely on;  (1) if your state has chosen to deviate (if any) from the published national standard; (2) if your state is one of the states for which Crimestar RMS has been programmed to meet specific state specifications.  


See: State Specific IBR


Both UCR and NIBRS reporting require certain basic data about the agency or jurisdiction reporting the data, such as the ORI # etc..  UCR/NIBRS Agency information can be configured and set using the "UCR/NIBRS Report Agency Information" form which is accessible via the "Reports" option on the main program menu.


Because some customer agencies do not use or submit NIBRS related reports, NIBRS processing can be optionally turned on or off as part of the system configuration. From the Incident page of the Crimestar system configuration module simply check or uncheck the "Turn NIBRS processing on" field to activate or deactivate NIBRS processing throughout the software.  Once NIBRS processing is turned on, the RMS system begin to require a series of additional data fields and enforce certain data edits that are all needed to satisfy Incident Based Reporting output.


For more information about NIBRS reporting specifications refer to the FBI NIBRS publications available directly from the FBI.