How to use the MNI Quick Fill feature


MNI Quick Fill speeds up the data entry process by pre-filling your data entry form with information from the Master Name Index in circumstances where the subject you are entering already exists in the system.


To use the MNI Quick Fill feature enter in the subjects name information on you data entry form. Then click on the MNI Quick Fill button. CrimeStar will search the Master Name Index for possible matching subjects and display a summary pick list. Select the appropriate name from the list and the Quick Fill process will copy the data from the Master Name Index record selected to the current data entry form.


You can configure CrimeStar to perform this task automatically. By checking the Auto Quickfill setting on the Name Index page of the configuration module, a quickfill action will automatically be performed using the Soundex value of the last name and the first letter of the first name. The process will be initiated when the user exits the first name field.