Description of Event Form Fields


Call Type: This mandatory field defines the type of Event or Call being reported. A Call type code is selected from a drop-down list of codes predefined in the system code tables. When a call type is selected, the literal value of that code will be displayed in the field immediately to the right of the code type field.

The priority field is a single digit numeric field with acceptable values ranging from 0-9. The priority field is used as reference to establish the relative importance of an event. The lower the value the higher the priority. Thus 0=Highest Priority and 9=Lowest priority. The priority assigned to an event determines its placement on the event status monitor. On the status monitor, Active events are always at the top displayed in order of their priority. Below that Pending, events are displayed in order of their priority.

This mandatory field defines the location of the event or call being reported.

The call type and location fields are located at the top of the event form because these two pieces of information are clearly the most important.  When an emergency is called in to the communications center, quickly knowing the call type and were to send field resources allows for the proper types or number of units to begin responding while other important information is being gathered.

The source field is a single character alphanumeric field that defines the origin or source of the event or call information. In other words how was the dispatcher notified about this event. Acceptable values for this field are derived from user defined code tables in the systems configuration. While the code values for this field can be virtually anything, common values may include; P=Phones, 9=911, W=Walk-in, O=Officer Initiated, etc.

The Beat field is a 6 character alphanumeric field that is used to reference a specific geographic area for the location of the event. Acceptable values for this field are derived from user defined code tables in the systems configuration.

The Sector field is a 6 character alphanumeric field that is used to reference a specific geographic area for the location of the event. Acceptable values for this field are derived from user defined code tables in the systems configuration.

The District field is a 6 character alphanumeric field that is used to reference a specific geographic area for the location of the event. Acceptable values for this field are derived from user defined code tables in the systems configuration.

The Agency field is a 6 character alphanumeric field that is used to reference the agency with jurisdiction for the location of the event. Acceptable values for this field are derived from user defined code tables in the systems configuration.

The Type field is a single character field with 3 acceptable values, (P=Police, F=Fire A=Ambulance). The purpose of this field is to specify the type of event and thus the type of units that will be attached to it.

The Description field is an unlimited free form text field used to describe the circumstances associated with the event.

This field allows for the use of some special key sequences to automatically enter reference data.
CTRL+T enters a Time marker in the form of [HH:MM:SS:]  (this behavior is similar to RMS time fields
CTRL+I enters an Identification marker in the form of [HH:MM:SS/Dispatcher ID:]

Any text or portion of text entered into this free text field can be designated as sensitive text simply by wrapping the text in double-curly-brackets. Example:  {{sensitive text}}.  By marking certain text as sensitive it will be filtered out and not appear in some output reports and can only be viewed by MDC devices and users that have been given explicit security permission to view sensitive text/data.  Any text which is Pasted into this field can be automatically wrapped as {{sensitive text }} by setting the PASTE_BRACKETING=ON option in the [CAD] section of the Crimestar INI file.

The RP (Reporting Party) field is used to reference the person who is reporting the event information to dispatch. If the RP is a proper name, the dispatcher can double-click on the RP filed label to toggle the RP field to a series of specific fields to capture a Last Name, First name and Date of Birth for the RP.

RP Location:
The RP Location field is used to reference where the reporting party is located as often this location will be different from the location of the event itself.

RP Phone:
The RP Phone field is used to reference the telephone number where the RP can be reached if dispatch should need to re-contact the RP later.

Request Contact:
This is a simple checkbox field to reference if the RP requests that a field unit make contact with the RP. Of the RP on events will wish to remain anonymous or will not want contact for fear of being identified to others.

Dispatcher ID:
This field will by default contain the login ID of the user /dispatcher. However, it is a 6 character alphanumeric field that may if necessary, be changed to reflect the ID of the dispatcher who entered the event.

The Dispo (Disposition) field is used to reference the formal disposition code for the event record. A disposition code is required before an event can be closed from the CAD system.

Dispo Comments:
The Dispo Comments field is a free form unlimited text field to reference additional information or notes concerning the disposition or handling of an event.

This field allows for the use of some special key sequences to automatically enter reference data.
CTRL+T enters a Time marker in the form of [HH:MM:SS:]  (this behavior is similar to RMS time fields
CTRL+I enters an Identification marker in the form of [HH:MM:SS/Dispatcher ID:]

Any text or portion of text entered into this free text field can be designated as sensitive text simply by wrapping the text in double-curly-brackets. Example:  {{sensitive text}}.  By marking certain text as sensitive it will be filtered out and not appear in some output reports and can only be viewed by MDC devices and users that have been given explicit security permission to view sensitive text/data.  Any text which is Pasted into this field can be automatically wrapped as {{sensitive text }} by setting the PASTE_BRACKETING=ON option in the [CAD] section of the Crimestar INI file.


Accelerator Keys:  You will notice that when looking at the Call Taker-Event Form, some of the data fields have a small blue number immediately to the left of the field.  These are form field identification numbers and can be used in conjunction with the “ALT” key to quickly move or position the cursor to that specific field.