Offense Segment (Level 2)


The offense segment captures additional information concerning the Incident. Unlike the UCR specification, NIBRS specifications state that an Incident can have up to a maximum of 10 separate offense codes. Once an offense code is selected from the General Information page of the Incident report the NIBR button (located to the right of the offense field) will be activated. When this button is clicked the "CrimeStar NIBRS Offense Supplement Page" will be activated. This Offense Supplement Page contains the following data fields for up to a maximum of 10 different offenses:


Offense Code (User Definable Offense Code) Up to 10 offense codes may be specified. Selecting an offense code will automatically activate all the associated NIBRS fields that correspond to the specified offense.


Attempt (Indicates if the offense was only an attempt) Check this box if the listed offense was only an attempt.


Code (NIBRS Classification Code). This is field is REQUIRED. Select the classification code that best corresponds to the Offense Code specified.


Type of Criminal Activity This field is CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED depending upon the NIBRS classification code selected. If required, it must have at least one (1) and may have up to three (3) codes specified for each offense. Note the items in the pick list will automatically change depending on what type of NIBRS classification code is specified. Multiple entries for each offense may be duplicative.


Bias This is a REQUIRED Field.


Location The location field is REQUIRED.


Entry This field is CONDITIONALY REQUIRED based on the value of the NIBRS classification code and the Location code selected.


# Premises This field is CONDITIONALY REQUIRED based on the value of the NIBRS classification code and the Location code selected.


Suspected of Using This field is REQUIRED. It must have at least one (1) and may have up to three (3) codes specified for each offense. Multiple entries for each offense may be duplicative.


Weapon / Force Involved This field is REQUIRED. It must have at least one (1) and may have up to three (3) codes specified for each offense. Multiple entries for each offense may be duplicative.


This form can not be closed until all required NIBRS fields are complete. This form must be completed before NIBRS related data in other parts of the Incident Module can be accessed.


See: NIBRS Overview