Definition of CAD Terms


Before we begin explaining the various features and capabilities of this CAD system it will be helpful if we first define some basic terms that we use when discussing this product.


Available Unit Time:  This represents the total amount of time that a unit was in an available (on patrol or otherwise) status and was available to be dispatched on events.


Call For Service / Event: This represents the occurrence of any activity that requires a field unit to respond or necessitates being documented via CAD.  Some types of Events (such as a “vehicle stop” or “subject stop” are self initiated by a unit and are not the result of someone calling a dispatch center or flagging down a passing officer.


Drag & Drop: This describes the process of using your computers mouse to select an object from a form and drag it to another object or another form.  To begin a drag operation, position your mouse over the item to be ‘dragged’, then click and hold down the left mouse button.  Then move your mouse to the object of form where the object is to be “dropped”, and release the left mouse button.  You will notice that when dragging units from the unit status monitor your cursor will change to reflect the type of unit you are dragging.


Dual Monitor or Multi-Monitor: This is a hardware configuration where two (or more) video monitors are connected to your computer allowing more program windows to be concurrently displayed and visible to user at the same time.  The term Dual Monitor and Multi-Monitor are synonymous and describe this type of hardware configuration.   In order to take advantage of this environment you should change the windows video configuration to extend your windows desktop to the second, third etc. monitors so as to have one larger desktop as opposed to simply replicating the display information shown on your primary monitor.


MDC: Is an abbreviation for the Mobile Digital Communicator product.  The MDC is a separate complementary product that is designed to extend dispatch functionality to field computers that communicate with CAD via a live digital radio link.


MSG:  Is an abbreviation for the Crimestar Message Switch/Gateway product.  The MSG is a separate complementary product that is designed to provide an interface to your State Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) computers and NCIC.


Multiple Document Interface: This is a design approach where the software is capable of displaying multiple documents or multiple instances of the same document within its own window on the screen and the user is free to navigate or switch between these windows to view or work with different things at the same time.  In a Multiple Document Interface system it is not always necessary to close one document before you open another.


PSAP: Public Safety Answering Point.  A term used to define the telephone answering point for a 911 call.  PSAP equipment is the telephone equipment installed at a PSAP site that receives the ALI/ANI (Automatic Location/Number Identification) data provided by the phone company.


Queue Time: This is the total amount of elapsed time that transpired between the time the dispatcher was first made aware of the event (and created and event record) and the time the dispatcher dispatched the first Unit.


Response Time: This is the total amount of elapsed time that transpired between the time the dispatcher was first made aware of the event (and created and event record) and the time the first responding unit arrived at the scene of the event.


Travel Time: This is the total amount of elapsed time that transpired between the time the unit was dispatched and the time the unit arrived at the scene of the event.


Time on Scene: This is the total amount of elapsed time that transpired between the time the unit arrived at the scene of the event and the time the unit cleared the event.


Total Consumed Time: This is the total amount of unit-consumed time for all units that were dispatched to an event.


Unit Consumed Time:  This is the total amount of elapsed time that transpired between the time the unit advised that it was enroute (or the dispatch time if no enroute time was advised) and the time the unit cleared the event.