Crimestar's Mobile Digital Communicator (MDC) provides a Status Monitor of unit
and event activity in either attribute format
a graphical interactive map format. This allows the user to see all field
activity spatially. The map page view can be easily moved or zoomed to
show any geographic area desired. The MDC is GPS enabled and automatically
notifies CAD of it movement allowing the map displays in all field units to be
dynamically updated as status broadcasts are transmitted. The map display
honors all filter conditions including event and unit priority or unit types.
All Event and Unit Map icons are interactive and will display the relevent
status information when you click on them.
Moving the mouse over the map provides an instant reference to the nearest
address under the mouse pointer. Likewise, the FIND Address feature allows
the user to enter an address and the MDC will attempt to locate that address and
display it to the user.

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