Mobile Digital Communicator (MDC) has been designed to interface with GPS
receivers that adhere to the NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) 0183
standards. This standard defines the electrical signaling requirements,
data transmission protocol and time, and specific sentence formats for a
4800-baud serial data bus. NMEA 0183 compliant GPS devices provide
excellent results for a typical MDC application and are widely available from
many commercial retailers and
on-line suppliers (many on E-bay) and are relatively inexpensive with good
quality units being available for under $100.00

This is an example of a magnetic mount GPS receiver that plugs
directly into the USB port on your laptop computer.
Having a GPS receiver connected to your MDC allows for the transmission
of real time latitude and longitude coordinates back to CAD/Dispatch so
that dispatchers as well as other MDC users can view field units
spatially via the MDC or CAD map display.
The MDC software also uses a Reverse
Geo-Coding process to automatically convert latitude and longitude coordinates
into the nearest calculated street address for Unit Status command dialogs such
as Vehicle Stops; Subject Stops; Field Events and other transactions where
location data is normally provided and transmitted as part of the status