Workload Assignments    (Not Available in the Basic / 'Lite' Edition)


The Workload Assignments section of CrimeStar provides a simple and comprehensive view of how many incidents each respective investigator has assigned to them. The assignments are date stamped at the time they are made. CrimeStar shows assigned incidents using a standard Current/30/60/90 day analysis for each investigator. This is represented as a small black tile with the Investigators ID number at the top. Likewise CrimeStar provides you with a list of all the active incidents that have not been assigned to an investigator. To view details about an unassigned Incident or to reset its age status right mouse click on the Incident number to activate a popup selection menu.


To assign an incident report to an investigator simply select the incident number from the list of unassigned incidents and drag the incident to the desired investigators tile using a drag & drop action. The incident will then be assigned to that investigator, the current count indicator will increase by 1 and the incident report will be removed from the unassigned list. To see a list of the incidents that are assigned to a specific Investigator, simply right mouse click on that investigators tile and a popup list of all assigned incidents will appear. To take action on any of the Incidents assigned to that investigator, select the Incident from the popup list. Once selected you can either view (recall) the incident report, reset the age status of the incident or remove the incident from that investigators assigned list.


To create a new investigator tile so that assignments can be made, select the new investigators ID number from the drop down list of Officers (located in bottom left corner of the form) then click the "Create New" button.


The "Investigation Active" checkbox located on the status page of an Incident Report is used to determine if a particular Incident is to be considered active for the purpose of Workload Assignments, regardless of the Incidents Disposition. (Note: previous releases of CrimeStar used an OPEN UCR status to determine if the incident was active, however, this is no longer the case.)