Recall / View Audit Log


Crimestar RMS provides the ability to log all Recalls or Views of a database record to a log file so that it can be shown who viewed a record and when.  This creates a historical reference of all access to this data record since its creation.   The relevant data elements recorded are; the Date/Time the record was viewed; a 3 character module code that identifies from what file or portion of the system the record exists; the first 12 bytes of the record's Reference identifier (such as the Citation # for a citation, the Incident # for an Incident; the Subjects Last Name for an MNI record, etc.); the 6 character Crimestar security User ID code; the first 12 characters of the Microsoft Windows Machine Name and Windows user ID ; the Primary Key or record serial # for the database record.  This feature can be turned on or off via the Crimestar RMS system configuration.


* CAUTION: While this audit trail can be helpful in some circumstances it is important to realize that creating audit log entries each time any record is accessed by any user within the system can create enormous volumes of audit records and consume very large quantities of disk space and system resources!  Therefore, it is generally recommended that this feature only be used with the Enterprise Edition of Crimestar RMS.



The following screen illustration shows that a search for a Reference of "99-123-1234" has retrieved the access information for an ACCident module record that was accessed or viewed twice on 09-23-2015 by the user  "ADMIN" while working on the machine/computer "ALEC-HPE".


To retrieve the access log information for a specific database record using the Record # (Primary Key) first obtain the database record # using the Record Access Locking form available from the System menu. This option is only available for database records that support record locking.