Master Vehicle Index


The Master Vehicle Index is a central index table that all other CrimeStar modules reference. Unlike the Master Name Index the Master Vehicle Index is a behind the scenes reference table that is automatically maintained by CrimeStar. This module is designed to capture and display a variety of information about vehicles that have had contact with your local law enforcement agency. The concept of the Master Vehicle Index is that when a vehicle license plate is entered into a CrimeStar module (Citations, Field Interview, Incident, etc.) the system will automatically search the Master Vehicle Index attempting to locate a matching license number reference. The system then retrieves the information in the Master Vehicle Index and uses that information to automatically populate the remainder of the vehicle fields in the module.


You can also search the Master Vehicle Index to obtain a list of entries, where each index entry will point back to the original CrimeStar module and record where the index entry was first created. This is very handy if you are searching for a vehicle in the CrimeStar system but dont specifically know which module to search.



See Also : Modules