Master Address Index (MAI) Combiner


Combines two Master Address Index records into one single record.


The Master Address Index (MAI) strategy used by CrimeStar provides a simple way to determine all the contacts that have occurred associated with a specific address. However this process is dependent upon having enough information about the address to make an informed decision as to the exactly what the address is. Because many subjects lie about their address or omit certain details multiple or in effect duplicate master address records can be created. When this situation is discovered it is desirable to merge these duplicate Master Address Index records together. To simplify, speed-up and maintain the integrity of the data, the MAI Combiner Utility has been created. This utility program allows you to select two MAI records that are to be joined into one single record.


To use the MAI combiner, select Admin from the main menu. Then select MAI Combiner from the Admin menu. When the MAI combiner form is displayed, select the MAI record that will be used as the master record. Click on the button labeled Select Master. The Master Address Index recall form will then be displayed. Provide the necessary criteria to recall the MAI record and select the desired record. Now repeat this process using the Select Duplicate button to select and identify the MAI record that is the duplicate record. Note that the Internal MAI #s used by CrimeStar to uniquely identify all MAI records are displayed. Even when the Address information appears to be identical this internal MAI # will be different. Once you have selected the Master and the Duplicate click on the button labeled Combine Master Address Records. This will cause the combiner utility to update all the internal system references of the MAI record identified as the Duplicate to the MAI record identified as the Master. Once all the system references to the Duplicate MAI record have been updated the Duplicate MAI record is deleted.


This utility will update references in all CrimeStar Modules however the MAI data in the Module will remain as it was originally entered. Only the internal references to the Master Address Index file and the MAI Involvement file are merged.