MAG Stripe Reader


An interface has been created to read Drivers License Data from a DL using a Triple Track Magnetic Stripe Reader as defined by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) specifications. The MAG Stripe reader can connect to the computer in one of two ways;


1.) It can connect to the computer via a serial (or USB Serial) connection. When using a Serial interface device Crimestar must know the serial port # to open to read the data sent by the MAG Stripe reader. This serial port can be defined/specified using the MAGSTRIP_COM=n (where n is a valid com port / serial port number 1 thru 16) setting in the Crimestar INI file.


2.) It can connect to the computer via the Keyboard where input from the MAG-Stripe reader is input via the keyboard buffer.  This type of MAG-Stripe reader is connected as either a Keyboard-Wedge, a Keyboard Emulator or in some instances the MAG-Stripe reader is integrated as part of the keyboard device itself.


In all circumstances the MAG-Stripe reader must be a Triple Track reader since the AAMVA data specifications use data Tracks 1,2 & 3.