Image Capture


CrimeStar can be used in conjunction with various web cams and  digital cameras to capture images directly into your CrimeStar database. This capability can be especially useful in a booking facility where a mugshot photos can be input directly into Crimestar RMS.


* Note about the Professional Edition of Crimestar RMS *


Remember that digital photos are imbedded into a photo table of the database and in the Professional Edition each database table has a maximum file size of 2GB. As such if the size of the digital image that you capture is 20,000 bytes, then the maximum capacity of the photo table will be (2,000,000,000 bytes/ 20,000 bytes = 100,000 ) 100,000 photos. However, if you capture images in a high resolution format or inefficient file format such as .BMP then each photo may be as large as 200,000 bytes (or more) reducing the maximum capacity of the photo file to (2,000,000,000 / 200,000 = 10,000 ) 10,000 images. Always try to keep the size of the photo as small as possible as to maximize the number of photos that can be saved into the system. The Enterprise Version of Crimestar has no limit on the number of photos that can be saved. Also See: Database Capacity and Performance

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