How to perform a searches using CrimeStar


When using CrimeStars predefine search forms there is one important issue, which you should consider.


·   Dont provide too much information


The logic usually uses all provided search criteria in an AND condition. What does this mean ? When you provide for example a last name and a first name in a search form, the search logic will search for all records, which have both that last name AND that first name. So if you were searching for last name = SMITH and first name = JOHN, you will only get those records. While you may be certain about the information you are looking for, you cant always be certain about the way the data was originally entered. Therefore JON SMITH would not be found. While just searching for last name = SMITH may result in too many possible records, a search of last name = SMITH and first name = J may be a better approach.


Using just the first letter of a name will result an all the records whose name starts with the same letter. Likewise, you could specify the first two or three letters. Here are some examples;


Search for  Result

J   John, Johnny, Jim, James, Jerry, Jill, Joanne, etc. etc.

JO   John, Johnny, Joanne, etc

JOH   John, Johnny, etc


See Also: How to perform a Database Query