How to Pack the Database


This Topic does not apply to the Enterprise Version of Crimestar RMS. The Enterprise Version of Crimestar RMS utilizes a much more robust and high performance SQL database and does not require this action to be performed.


To PACK the CrimeStar database you must have Administrator security access.


A Pack is performed as part of the Reindex Process.


Select System from the main menu. Then select Reindex Database from the System menu. You will always receive a reminder warning that you must have exclusive access to the database tables. The Reindex Form will then be displayed. Select the table(s) you wish to pack from the list of tables on the left side of the form. Then click on the box labeled Pack. Then click on the button labeled Reindex. The reindex/pack process will begin, and you will be notified when it is complete. If the reindex/pack process is unable to obtain exclusive access to a file you will receive a warning message accordingly. This will not affect the operation on any other selected files where exclusive access was established.


Remember the Reindex/Pack process deletes the existing indexes and rebuilds them from scratch. This process may take a while to complete, and as always with database structural operations a backup should always be performed first.


See Also: How to Reindex the Database

How to Repair the Database