How to Build a CrimeStar Geofile


The CrimeStar Geofile consists of 3 separate files. The Master Street Name File, the Street Segment File and the Premise File. In order to build the CrimeStar Geofile you must first build the Master Street Name file. The Street Name file is used or referenced in order to build the Street Segment file and the Premise File.




Each of these forms displays a list of records held in the file at the top of the page. To add a new record click the button labeled Add and fill in the associated fields accordingly.


The Master Street Name file is exactly what the name implies; a master list of all the streets in your jurisdiction or area that you have chosen to create a geo-reference file for. The file itself consists of the following fields: Prefix, Street Name, Type, Suffix, City, State and Zip Code. The street Prefix, Type, Suffix and State fields are table driven fields that are derived from the code tables generated for their respective entries in the master code table. Create a list of all the valid street names paying particular attention to their associated type. prefix and suffix.


Once the master street name file has been built you can then build the street segment file, the premise file or both. Building the street segment file will permit addresses to be validated to the block range of any given street with specific reference to the odd or even site of the street. Building a premise file will permit the validation of address locations to the specific street address. The premise file also permits the association of a common place or business name with a specific address. If both a street segment and premise file exist, the premise file is searches for an exact match on the address or common place name. If no matching entry is found the street segment file is then searched to identify a block range for the location.


The Street Segment file is a list of defined street segments. A street segment is best described as a portion of a street with two defined end points. Each end of the defined street portion is intersected by another street, railroad tracks, a creek or some other barrier that terminates or delineates that portion of the street, thus creating a street segment. In some cases it is simply a dead-end street and an artificial end-point must be defined.


For example; Main Street between 1st Street and 2nd Street would be a street segment. Likewise Main Street between 2nd Street and 3rd Street would be another segment. Each segment has an associated Odd and Even address range and the associated Beat, District and Sector for both the Odd and Even sides of the street segment. By defining multiple segments you pre-define the proper geographic references for all locations within a defined area.


The Street Segment file consists of the following primary street fields: Prefix, Street Name, Type, Suffix, City, State and Zip Code. On this form you can not directly enter street name information. To enter a street name click on the Select Primary button. A list of street names as defined in the master street name file will be presented in a selection pick-list in alphabetical order. Select the primary street name from the list and it will be displayed on the street segment form. If the city, state and zip code information were specified in the master street file, those data elements will be transferred into the segment file. The city, state and zip code information may be added or updated on this form. Once the primary street has been selected, you can specify a low address and high address cross street. Low and high address cross streets intersecting another street create a street segment.


To define low and high cross streets click on the buttons labeled low and high. A list of street names as defined in the master street name file will be presented in a selection pick-list in alphabetical order.


To define the Odd and Even address ranges and their associated beat, sector and district attributes simply enter them in their respective fields.


The Premise File consists of the following primary street fields: Street Digits, Prefix, Street Name, Type, Suffix, Common Name, Apartment, City, State and Zip Code. On this form you can not directly enter street name information. To enter a primary street name click on the Select Street button. A list of street names as defined in the master street name file will be presented in a selection pick-list in alphabetical order. Select the street name from the list and it will be displayed on the premise form. If the city, state and zip code information were specified in the master street file, those data elements will be transferred into the premise file.

Unlike the segment file the city, state and zip code fields can not be updated manually on this form. A premise record can also be linked to a segment record. To link a premise record to a segment record click on the button labeled Segment Link. A list of defined street segments will be displayed in a selection list. Select the segment record where the premise record street digits fall within the address range of a predefined street segment for the street of the same name as that listed in the premise record. Once a segment link has been established, a link identification # will appear in the box immediately to the left of the Segment Link button. If no city, state or zip code data was transferred onto this form from the street file, then those fields will be updated based upon the information in the linked street segment file. Likewise the Beat, Sector and District will be updated with the information from the linked street segment. These fields may also be entered manually.


The premise record can also have associated comments and hazard flags. This data will be displayed upon a geo-validation match to a record with one or more hazard flags.