File Types Used by Crimestar


Crimestar software is written using several advanced Microsoft software development tools. As a result the file types used by Crimestar are generally consistent with those used by other popular applications. These file type include:


EXE Program Executable

APP Program Application file used by an EXE

DLL Dynamic Link Library file used by an EXE

FLL  Link Library file used by and EXE

INI Program Initialization File used by an EXE


DBC Database Container File (Definitions for all related Tables)

DCT Database Container Memo Field

DCX Database Container Index File

DBF DataTable File

CDX Data Table Compact Index File

FPT Data Table Memo Field(s) or Linked Narrative


BAK *Backup copy of a DBF file.

TBK *Backup copy of an FPT file


* Do not confuse this type of backup file with those created by either the Quick Backup or any other backup system. Generally the BAK & TBK files are what is left behind from a product version update where the structure of the database tables has changed, and can be deleted.