UCR Dispositions


Similar to the UCR codes for offenses, the UCR Disposition codes are built into the Crimestar RMS software and are not user definable. UCR reports must perform specific categorical summary tabulations. In order to do this the software must have intimate knowledge of the UCR codes and know what codes to search for when performing certain calculations. To allow these codes to be user definable would in effect "break" the UCR tabulation process as the software would not know what codes to search for or necessarily understand the specific meaning of a user defined code.


The pre-defined UCR Disposition codes are simply 4 letter codes that represent each of the UCR disposition categories as defined by the FBI. These codes are:


OPEN: Open - This code is used to indicate that the incident is still being investigated.

CBAA: Cleared By Adult Arrest This code indicates that for UCR purposed the Incident is cleared. Where an Incident has multiple suspects, the arrest of any one adult suspect is sufficient to clear the incident using code CBAA.

CBJA: Cleared By Juvenile Arrest - This code indicates that for UCR purposed the Incident is cleared. Where an Incident has multiple suspects, the arrest of any one juvenile suspect is sufficient to clear the incident using code CBJA.

CBEX: Cleared By Adult Exception - This code indicates that for UCR purposed the Incident is cleared by Adult Exception. An Adult Exception would be a circumstance where the suspect is an Adult but due to circumstances beyond the control of the law enforcement agency no arrest can be made.


* An agency can clear an Incident by Exceptional means when the following 4 questions can be answered in the affirmative.


1.) Has the investigation definitely established the identity of the offender?

2.) Is there enough information to support an arrest, charge, and turning over to the court for prosecution?

3.) Is the exact location of the offender known so that the subject could be taken into custody now?

4.) Is there some reason outside law enforcement control that precludes arresting, charging, and prosecuting the offender?


CBEJ: Cleared By Juvenile Exception - This code indicates that for UCR purposed the Incident is cleared by Juvenile Exception. A Juvenile Exception would be a circumstance similar to that of a Cleared by Adult Exception (see: CBEX above), but the suspect involved is a Juvenile rather than an adult.


SUSP: Suspended For the purpose of UCR tabulation this code is treated the same as OPEN in that there is no UCR clearance. Using SUSPENDED rather than OPEN simply helps the local agency keep track of incidents that are not actively being worked or investigated but have not been reported as cleared, and dont yet meet the criteria for an exceptional clearance.


UNFN: Unfounded This code indicates that the crime as reported was false or a baseless complaint and no crime occurred


* Due to the limited scope of the pre-defined UCR codes and FBI clearance rules which indicate that the arrest of even one suspect in multiple suspect incidents is sufficient to clear an incident often makes using UCR Disposition codes less that adequate for actual departmental investigation management purposes. For that reason Crimestar provides a separate user definable DISPOSITION field which can be populated with user definable codes to track incident dispositions separate from the UCR disposition. To create non-UCR related disposition code use the "Incident Dispositions" category of the "Other Codes" page of the Crimestar system configuration.