Technical Support Agreement


Crimestar Corporation charges an annual fee per user license to provide technical support and periodic product updates for Crimestar Software.  Customers who have paid for, and are current in all their annual support payments, for each sequential and consecutive year, from the date the software was originally licensed (regardless of installation date or product usage), for all licenses purchased or held are deemed ‘Supported Customers’ and are entitled to the product updates and services outlined in this agreement.  Conversely, customers who have not paid or maintained the consecutive annual support and maintenance fee are deemed ‘Non-Supported Customers’ and are subject to the upgrade restrictions defined herein.  This support maintenance agreement is intended as a companion to the original Crimestar End User License Agreement (EULA).  It is important that all customers fully read and understand the license agreement and this companion agreement. The two documents are intended to protect the rights of both Supported Customers and Crimestar Corporation.

Products and Services

1. General Help: Crimestar Corporation will use its best efforts to provide necessary consultation in a timely manner to assist supported customers with the process of installing, setting up, configuring and using Crimestar software.  Additionally, in the event of a major computer problem at the customer location, Crimestar Corporation will make reasonable efforts to help the customer recover from the problem and return the Crimestar software to its normal operating condition. The methods and resources used to accomplish this level of assistance may, at the discretion of Crimestar Corporation consist of, but not be limited to: E-mail Communication, World Wide Web / Internet support, Voice Telephone support or Remote Diagnostics via Communication Utility Tools.

Crimestar support is specific to Crimestar application software and generally does not include the use or configuration of the Microsoft Windows operating system, network systems configuration or associated computer hardware. It is assumed that the user has a basic knowledge of computer operations and the Windows operating system, including how to configure the network, reference different disk drives, map network drives, create folders, copy, move, rename and delete files.

2. Software Repairs: Crimestar Corporation will, as necessary, use its best efforts to identify, isolate and repair various imperfections, ‘software bugs’ or other software programming problems that may exist or become introduced into the Crimestar software.  Once these identified imperfections or problems are repaired, an updated version or release of the software that includes these associated repairs will be made available to supported customers.

3. Product Design Input: It is Crimestar Corporation’s desire to evolve the product using input from Crimestar customers, agencies evaluating the product and other sources with reasonable expertise in the realm of law enforcement and public safety. Crimestar Corporation will make every reasonable effort to give priority to the ideas, suggestions and input of supported customers, when adding features and making product enhancements.  Nothing in this section should be interpreted to suggest Crimestar Corporation’s agreement or willingness to customize Crimestar software for any given purpose, customer, or agency. The Crimestar products and all subsequent updates are provided ‘AS IS’ as described in the Disclaimer of Warranty section of the original Crimestar EULA.

4. Software Updates: Crimestar Corporation continuously works to improve the Crimestar software by adding new features and capabilities to the product. Many of these new features or capabilities are a direct result of product design input from supported customers. Crimestar Corporation will make most of these new features and updates available to supported customers as part of the base product at no additional charge. Crimestar Corporation does reserve the right to charge an additional fee, if it is deemed that a particular feature or new capability constitutes a major upgrade or specialization in product functionality.

Notice of Software Upgrade Restriction

Crimestar Corporation reserves the right to explicitly lockout, via software modifications, any and all customers, who are not “Supported Customers” as defined above.  This action shall serve to prevent these non-supported customers from updating to the current or latest release of the software; thus obtaining the same product enhancements and benefit as supported customers who paid the required annual support fees which serve to fund the development of those respective product enhancements.  This lockout action will not prevent a non-supported customer from continuing to legally use their existing and installed licensed version of CrimeStar; it only serves to prevent further updates of the product.  Non-supported customers shall in all circumstances, be responsible for maintaining the installation files and media required for the version of the product they are using.

Past Due Support Fees:  In order to be fair to our supported customers whose support payments fund our ongoing product development; non-supported customers that have allowed their annual product support and maintenance agreement to lapse, and wish to once again be a supported customer will be required to pay all past due fees, or re-license the software whichever is less..


Offer and Acceptance Terms

Supported Customers will be automatically invoiced each year on the anniversary date of having initially licensed the software. Payment of that invoice, in full, when due, shall constitute an acceptance of this offer for continued product support.

Revised:  November 1, 2017



See Also : Crimestar License Agreement