Property Segment (Level 3)


The NIBRS property segment is only used for Incidents that include the offenses of Gambling, Kidnapping, and Crimes Against property. Each qualifying Incident can include information on up to 8 different property TYPES. These types are represented as a series of pages on the NIBRS property form. The types are as follows:


1. None

2. Burned (Includes damage caused by fighting fire)

3. Counterfeited/Forged

4. Destroyed/Damaged/Vandalized

5. Recovered (to impound property which was previously stolen)

6. Seized (to impound property which was not previously stolen)

7. Stolen (includes bribed, defrauded, embezzled, extorted robbed, etc.)

8. Unknown


Each property TYPE (as described above) can contain up to 10 different property Descriptions or categories of property (not necessarily individual property items).   Each of the 10 respective property descriptions within a specific property TYPE may conditionally involve the following additional fields:


Value of Property: Entered in whole Dollars. This should be the total value of all the individual items that fall within a particular description category.


Date Recovered: Used specifically for property TYPE 5 (Recovered) this field indicates the date in MM/DD/YYYY format that the property within a particular descriptive category was recovered. If there is more than 1 recovery date, use the earliest date known.


Number of Stolen Motor Vehicles: This is a 2 digit field (0 thru99) used to indicate the total number of motor vehicles stolen within the incident. If the number is unknown enter 0. This field is only used when one of the valid UCR offense codes is "240 Motor Vehicle Theft" and the property TYPE is 7-Stolen.


Number of Recovered Motor Vehicles: This is a 2 digit field (0 thru99) used to indicate the total number of motor vehicles that were recovered within the incident. If the number is unknown enter 0. This field is only used when one of the valid NIBR offense codes is "240 Motor Vehicle Theft" and the property TYPE is 7-Stolen.


Suspected Drug Type: This is a 1 character code that is used to indicate the type drug involved. This field is used only when one of the valid NIBR offense codes is "35A Drug/Narcotics Violations" and the property TYPE is 6-Seized.


Estimated Drug Quantity


Type of Drug Measurement: This is a nine (9) digit field used to enter the number of whole pounds, ounces, grams etc. This field is not to be used for narcotics that were burned, stolen etc.




See: NIBRS Overview