Personnel ID Cards   (Not Available in the Basic / 'Lite' Edition)

Semi-customized Personnel ID Cards can be printed from within the Personnel Module.  First select the employee or subject that you wish to work with using the Personnel Roster form, then click the [ID Card] button to activate the ID Card customization dialog.  This dialog allows you to choose from a variety of card types, logos, colors and text that will be shown on the card.  

By default the cards are printed using a report/label template where the front and back of the card are printed allowing you to fold or cut the printout to create a two sided card prior to laminating.  

External Card Templates:  The default internal template used is quite complex as it must allow for a variety of options that may be selected from the card dialog form.  That said it still represents a limited amount of options and formats for how your ID Card can or will look.  If desired you can use external ID Card template files which give you much more control over how your ID card will look and what type of printer it will work with.  To get the ID Card printer program to recognize that you wish to use external card templates your computer must have a specially named template in the \Crimestar program folder or program path.  That special template is actually a pair of files named:


An initial set of this special template is distributed with Crimestar in a zip file named located in the \crimestar\bin folder.  To use this template or rather these template files simply unzip the compressed zip file.   ID Card Templates are in effect report files and are always represented as a pair of files with the ".FRX" and ".FRT" file extensions.  Once the RMS program detects that this special external template file pair is present the program will prompt you to select the template file(s) that you wish to use to print your ID card.  If you have System Administrator access to RMS, you can use the "Report File Designer" ( located on the System menu with RMS ) to modify or edit your ID Card templates as desired.

To create multiple templates to choose from, you can use a simple Windows file copy to copy this initial pair of template files to create new template file pairs as needed. Once you have created your new template file pair that template can be edited.  Perhaps you wish to have a template for an ID card's front and a separate template for a card's back.  Copy the template file pair to create additional file pairs using different file names then edit each separate template as needed using the RMS Report File Designer.

