Kickback Messages   (Not Available in the Basic / 'Lite' Edition)


Kickback messages are the equivalent of electronic notes that are attached to an incident by the supervisor or officer that is reviewing the report. When a report is reviewed using the Approve Incident / Accident Reports section of case management the reviewer can optionally generate a "Kickback Message" that will be displayed to the officer who originated the report the next time that officer logs on to the system. This permits for immediate feedback to officer regarding any deficiencies that may need to be handled or refined within the incident report. Each report can contain only one kickback message, however a kickback message can be of unlimited length. This strategy prevent multiple reviewers or supervisors from generating separate kickback messages where each supervisor is unaware of the notes, comments or instructions given by another supervisor.


When an officer signs-on to the Crimestar RMS system an automatic check for kickback messages is performed. If one or more messages are found they will be displayed by Reference # in a small Kickback Messages form in the center of the main Crimestar RMS screen. Officers can quickly scan the messages and if desired recall a referenced Incident with a single mouse click. Messages will continue to be displayed each time the user signs on, until the message is explicitly deleted. Note: Officers who are given the ability to delete kickback messages do not actually delete them, but merely deactivate them so they do not display on the officers Kickback message list. Kickback messages may only be truly deleted or reactivated by a supervisor / reviewer using the Approve Incident / Accident Reports section of case management. If the officer chooses to close the Kickback message they can always re-display it by selecting Kickback Messages from the Admin menu.


Note: There are two different routing options for kickback messages. Messages can be routed to the officer by using either their system Login ID or their Officer ID depending on how the system has been configured (Login ID is recommended). When a user logs into the system, the computer knows ONLY the login ID used to access the program. If routing by Officer ID is used then the system / security administrator MUST specify the associated Officer ID when defining the user’s login so the software can scan the security module and use the login to determine the officer ID and check for messages.