

Before we begin explaining the various features and capabilities of this system it will be helpful if we first define some basic terms that we use when discussing this product.

CDMA: Short for Code Division Multiple Access, a digital cellular technology uses spread-spectrum techniques to transfer voice and data.

CDPD: Cellular Digital Packet Data (A data communication technology made popular by AT&T that has generally been replaced by GPRS.

GPRS: General Packet Radio Service.  Provided by commercial cellular telephone carriers.

GPS: Global Positioning Satellite

MAC Address: This is the Media Access Control Number also referred to as the Serial # of your computer’s Network Card (NIC).

MDC Controller: This is the instance of the MDC software ( MDCCOM.EXE ) running in your facility on the same LAN segment as Crimestar CAD.  The MDC controller always has an MDC_ADDRESS of zero (0).

MDC Workstation: This is an instance of the MDC software ( MDCCOM.EXE ) running in a patrol car communicating with the MDC Controller via a radio or GPRS link.  This is also sometimes referred to as the MDC Mobile.  An MDC workstation always has an MDC_ADDRESS greater than zero and no two MDC Workstations should have the same MDC Address.

NIC: Network Interface Card.  Used to allow your computer to communicate on a network.  

NMEA: National Marine Electronics Association

SMS: Short Message Service  ( i.e. Text Messages)

SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

TCP/IP: Transport Communications Protocol / Internet Protocol

UDP: User Datagram Protocol

USB: Short for Universal Serial Bus, an external bus standard for connecting a wide range of peripheral devices such as mice, modems, keyboards and GPS receivers.