MDC - Query Article


A query article returns a summary display list, up to a maximum of 25 records from the Crimestar RMS property and evidence file that specifically match the search criteria provided.  The query article command activates a popup dialog window that allows the user to specify the property search criteria that they wish to query.   After entering the desired search criteria click the TRANSMIT button.  Note that the TRANSMIT button can be activated using the ALT+T accelerator key sequence.

When searching for property you may enter partial search criteria if you wish.  Example: To search for all property items where the serial number starts with a “123” you may simply enter “123” in the serial number field.  If the search criteria are too broad, the result of the query may contain more than 25 records.  If/when this happens the MDC controller will not return a summary list of property items, but rather notify the requesting MDC that too many records matched and the search criteria should be narrowed.

The query will be submitted to the MDC Controller for a database search for that unit id and the appropriate unit history data will be returned as a message to the requesting MDC.   The Article Summary Return will contain the Article, Brand, Model, Description and related Incident#.  The Article serves as a link to recall details on a specific property item. The number of records returned in a summary list can be controlled via the MAX_SUMMARY_MATCH INI setting on the controller.