Time Synchronization (Computer Clock)


Forces other workstations to synchronize their computer clock to the workstation where the TSYNC command was issued. Since unit time-stamping is performed at the workstation using the local workstation clock, it is important that the clocks be closely synchronized whenever multiple CAD workstations are in use.


  1. Type the following command line syntax: TSYNC


While the TSYNC command helps to keep workstation clocks synchronized, it is not a perfect solution.  Time synchronization between CAD workstations is critically important!  If workstation clocks are not in synch it is possible to have negative numbers appear on the status monitor, where units are shown as Arrived before they were Dispatched etc. This is because the clock on the workstation that arrived the unit is lagging behind the clock on the workstation that dispatched the unit.  There are many different solutions and applications available to keep network workstation clocks accurate and synchronized.  

Some simply synch to one of the many public time sources that use the atomic clock as a master source.  Likewise, the issue of clock synchronization can often be accomplished by designating one of your network machines as a time server.   Contact your network administrator to determine what, if any, time source solution you have in place on your network.  If you have access to a Time Server via either the Internet or Intranet you can use the NETCLOCK process that is built into Crimestar CAD to synchronize the CAD workstation clock with a master time source every 20 minutes.  

For more information about the NETCLOCK setting see: Crimestar.INI File Settings for CAD