Miscellaneous Status

Status Monitor Code: M

Often field units are busy Status with a non-event related activity and are unavailable for assignment.  Rather than attempting to create status codes for the infinite number of different non-event related things that a unit can be busy with, we simply place them on a Miscellaneous (M) status, and use the comment field to denote information about their activity.  Recording miscellaneous status’ helps the dispatcher track what the field units are doing when they are not explicitly on an event, and plays a significant role in determining available unit time.  Only units that are in an available (AV) status can be placed on a miscellaneous status.  Likewise, units that are on a miscellaneous status are not cleared but rather made available (AV) again using the Free command.  You can place a unit on a miscellaneous status using any one of the following 5 methods:

  1. Select the appropriate unit, and click the Miscellaneous (‘Misc.’) command button on the CAD Control Panel.

  2. Drag and drop the unit from the unit status monitor to the Miscellaneous (‘Misc.’) command button on the CAD Control Panel.

  3. Drag and drop the unit from the CAD map status monitor to the Miscellaneous (‘Misc.’) command button on the CAD Control Panel.

  4. Right mouse click on the unit from the unit status monitor and select ‘Miscellaneous’ from the popup menu.>>>>>

  5. Type the following period-delimited command line syntax: M.UNITID.LOCATION.COMMENT

When a unit is placed on a miscellaneous status, using any of the above methods other than the command line syntax the CAD system will prompt the dispatcher to enter an optional location and comment.  To remove a unit from a Miscellaneous (“Misc.”) status, use the FREE command.