Pursuit Mode   ( Radio Unit ID )

Status Monitor Code: A


You can initiate a unit into pursuit mode using either of the following 2 methods:

  1. Right mouse click on the unit from the unit status monitor and select ‘Initiate Pursuit’ from the popup menu.

  2. Type the following period-delimited command syntax: PM.UNITID

UNITID = Radio Unit ID or other relevant ID of the field resource * REQUIRED and is validated against the system code table for CAD/CFS Unit ID's

Each time you initiate a unit into pursuit mode it is presumed to be a separate and unique pursuit!

When entering a unit into pursuit mode several actions occur automatically.  If the unit is already attached to an event the unit remains attached to that same event.  If the unit is not attached to an event, a Vehicle Stop (VEHSTOP)  event is automatically created and the unit is attached to it.  If it is a foot pursuit or something other than a Vehicle pursuit the event call type can be changed at a later time by recalling the event and changing the call type accordingly. Then an Active Pursuit Dialog form is displayed allowing the dispatcher to quickly and repeatedly enter update information on either the Unit's Location or Comment.  Each time the operator/dispatcher presses the ENTER key on the keyboard when using the Active Pursuit Dialog form the contents of the Location field and the Comment field are posted to the Unit history as a Radio Log entry.  At that point both the Location and Comment fields will be blanked out and the cursor will return to the Location field awaiting the next entry.  The Active Pursuit Dialog form will remain open until it is specifically closed by the operator / dispatcher.


Adding Units to the Pursuit

Additional units can be added to the pursuit by dragging and dropping them onto the Active Pursuit Dialog form.  When an additional unit is added to the pursuit, if that unit is attached to another event other than the pursuit event the unit is automatically free'd from its attached event and re-attached to the pursuit event.  The unit will then be displayed in the "Pursuing Units" list on the Active Pursuit Dialog form.  While operationally the pursuit would typically only involve either a single unit or 2 units (a chase unit and a radio advisory unit), you may add an unlimited number of units to a pursuit.  As the Location and Comment data for the primary pursuing unit is updated each additional unit that has been attached and added to the pursuit will receive the same radio Log update(s).  


Related Units not in Pursuit


During a pursuit there may be many other units positioning around the pursuit activity that are not directly involved in the actual pursuit (chase).  In this circumstance you may choose to attach these units to the pursuit event without necessarily attaching them to the actual pursuit.  These units may simply be dispatched to the pursuit event via the DISPATCH Command without being attached to the actual pursuit as represented in the Active Pursuit Dialog form.  In this circumstance those units attached to the pursuit event but not listed as in the pursuit will not receive the Location and Comment radio log updates created via the Active Pursuit Dialog form.