Transport Status

Status Monitor Code: T

When a unit is transporting someone, it is often desirable to place that unit in a transport status.  To place a unit in a Transport status the unit must be Arrived (A) on the event associated with the transport.  You can place a unit in Transport status unit using any one of the following 5 methods:

  1. Select the appropriate unit, and click the ‘Transport’ command button on the CAD Control Panel.

  2. Drag and drop the unit from the unit status monitor to the ‘Transport’ command button on the CAD Control Panel.

  3. Drag and drop the unit from the CAD map status monitor to the ‘Transport’ command button on the CAD Control Panel.

  4. Right mouse click on the unit from the unit status monitor and select ‘Transport’ from the popup menu.>>>>>>>

  5. Type the following period-delimited command line syntax: T.UNITID.COMMENT

If you desire to make a permanent record of the transporting unit’s beginning and ending mileage use Unit Radio Log (RL) commands to record this or any other pertinent data associated with the transport.  Additionally if using the command line to issue the Transport Status command beginning mileage can be referenced in the comments of the command syntax.