Multimedia Files / Attached Documents  (Only Available in the Enterprise Edition)


Crimestar provides you with the ability to attach external files (such as audio, video, multimedia, PDFs, MS Word, MS Excel etc). to various database records  (such as Incidents and Citation) by using the "Attached Multimedia Files" dialog form.   You can activate the attached multimedia dialog wherever you see the command button labeled "Multimedia" displayed on a module form.  Using this form you may attach (imbed) external multimedia files into the Crimestar database, recall or replay those attached files, or once again extract the attached file to disk so it can be used with other program.


It is important to understand that Crimestar does not programmatically interact with these files. but rather simply stores them in the database and associates them with a specific database record.  In order to view, read or interact with these files,the RMS passes the file data to the Microsoft Windows operating system and asks Windows handle it by using whatever default program is installed and registered on the computer for the type of file stored. Therefore it is important that your computer workstations have the appropriate software installed to open, read or interact with these attached multimedia files.  Likewise, when a user Prints a Crimestar database record the attached multi-media documents are not automatically printed.  Obviously, some files such as sound and video recordings cannot be printed.  To print the contents of a attached document/multi-media file open and print the file using the appropriate Windows installed program.


* Due to the extensive storage capacity requirements associated with imbedding multimedia files into the database, this feature is only available with the Crimestar RMS Enterprise Edition.