How to Setup CrimeStar to run on a Network


The following instructions are designed to help you with the proper setup and installation of the Professional Version of the CrimeStar - Law Enforcement Records Management System.


When running CrimeStar in a Network environment CrimeStar should be installed on each network or Client machine. The CrimeStar.exe file should not be remotely run across a network link. In other words, DO NOT simply install CrimeStar on a network file server then attempt to run the CrimeStar EXE (program file) at your workstation when the software is actually on the file server. CrimeStar was not designed to be run in that type of configuration, and it will not work properly if you do this. Instead CrimeStar should always be installed on each client workstation on the network. Only the CrimeStar data files should be moved to and shared from the network file server. Once CrimeStar is installed on each network machine a few setting must be made so that CrimeStar understands where the master database files are located.


CrimeStar utilizes and registers several Active X/OCX controls in the system registry. Use of the systems registry is the preferred method for storing information about applications that are installed on 32 bit operating systems such as Windows98/2000/XP. However, making changes to the system registry by those who are unfamiliar with its structure can be tedious and confusing. Likewise improper modifications to the system registry can cause severe system damage and problems.


Do to these registry considerations, CrimeStar utilizes a single initialization file named CrimeStar.ini. Initialization .ini files can be modified using a simple text editor. By default the CrimeStar.ini file contains the following entry.





* The first time you run CrimeStar the DATAFILES item key of the ini file is initialized with the default data path.


The DATAFILES item key is referenced by the application software to locate the CrimeStar data files. To use CrimeStar in a multi-user networked environment, you need to identify a central location for the data files where all networked workstations will be able to access the database files. This is typically achieved by mapping a network drive. Once a disk drive on the network has been mapped, copy the CrimeStar data file to the new location and modify the CrimeStar.ini file's DATAFILES= item key to reference the new drive location.


You may choose not to map a network drive, but rather specify the network machine name as part of the path. Example: \\Machine_name\share_name\directory\subdirectory

This method may actually be a better choice if available, as it is absolute and does not depend on the drive mapping to be specified or accurate. Likewise it is not vulnerable to drive mapping that can sometimes be inadvertently disconnected by users, thus breaking the logical path that the software depends upon to find the database.


When the data files have been placed on the central "server" machine, delete or rename the \data directory from your local "client" machine so the program can only "see" the one set of data files referenced by the DATAFILE= path specification.


* Failure to delete or rename the \data directory from the local "client" machine can result in multiple valid databases being available to the program. which could cause the software to function improperly or result in data corruption!


For a more detailed explanation and simple instructions for mapping network drives. Refer to the Network Basics section of this document.