How to perform a Database Query


To query the CrimeStar database select Query from the main menu. Then select the record type or module you wish to search. (Optionally, you can click a module button on the Query Toolbar) You will then be provided with a module specific search form. Complete one or more fields on the form to provide some criteria that CrimeStar will use to perform the search. Then select the search button labeled Search, which usually has a picture of binoculars on it. CrimeStar will then search the database for records, which match the criteria provided on the search form.


You can use the percent sign (%) and underscore (_) wildcards as part of a search expression. The percent sign represents any sequence of unknown characters in the string. An underscore represents a single unknown character in the string. CrimeStar will usually append a "%" to whatever information you provide.


Example: If you enter "S" in a field CrimeStar will internally generate a search expression of "S%" resulting in all the records where the value of the specified field begins with the letter "S".

You will not see the trailing "%" symbol, as CrimeStar does this internally after you have clicked the search button. Likewise, if you wanted to search for any record where a letter or string of letters is contained in the field you simply need to prefix your search expression with the "%" symbol.


Example: If you enter "%JOHN" CrimeStar will generate a search expression of "%JOHN%" resulting in any record where "JOHN" is contained anywhere in the field, such as "ST JOHN CHURCH". This is similar to the way keyword searches are performed.


If you wish to search a field where you know all but one of the characters in the field, you can use the "_" underscore character. Example: License plate "AB_123" will result in a match on any combination of records where the first two characters are "AB" and the forth, fifth and sixth characters are "123", such as "ABC123", ABS123", ABB123" etc. Likewise, you can use more than one "_" underscore in your search string. So, "AB_1_3" would result in all the combinations of data where both the third and the fifth character are an unknown.


* Wildcard characters can not be used in forced choice or listbox type data fields.


If only one record matching the specified search criteria can be found, then that specific record will be displayed. If more than one record is located then a summary list of matching records will be presented to you so that you may select the specific record or records desired.


Performing a search will not automatically remove of close the search form, as you may wish to perform other searches. To close the search form, click on the Cancel button labeled Cancel and usually has a picture of a red X on it.


The Query Toolbar provides a series of buttons with graphic illustrations that can also be used to activate various search forms.


See Also: How to perform searches using CrimeStar