Fingerprint Classification Code (NCIC)


The NCIC FPC is comprised of 10 different 2 character fields. These 10 data fields are presented in the same order as they would be found on an FBI fingerprint card. The fields

represent each finger as follows:

Field  Finger


1  Right thumb

2  Right index

3  Right middle

4  Right ring

5  Right little

6  Left thumb

7  Left index

8  Left middle

9  Left ring

10  Left little


CrimeStar accepts the following NCIC classification codes:


Pattern Type Pattern Subgroup NCIC FPC Code


Arch  Plain Arch   AA


  Tented Arch   TT


Loop  Radial Loop  Two numeric characters.


(Determine actual ridge count and add fifty (50). For example, if the ridge count of a radial loop is 16, add 50 to 16 for a sum of 66. Enter this sum (66) in the appropriate finger position of the FPC field.)


Loop   Ulnar Loop  Two numeric characters.


(Determine the actual ridge count (less than 50). For example, a ridge count of 14, enter as 14; a ridge count of 9, enter as 09.)


Whorl*  Plain Whorl

  Inner    PI

  Meeting    PM

  Outer    PO


Central Pocket Loop Whorl

  Inner    CI

  Meeting    CM

  Outer    CO


Double Loop Whorl

  Inner    DI

  Meeting    DM

  Outer    DO


Accidental Whorl

  Inner    XI

  Meeting    XM

  Outer    XO


Missing/Amputated Finger   XX

Scarred/Mutilated Pattern   SR