Law Enforcement Software
Citation records can be imported into Crimestar RMS by reading the data from an XML file of a pre-defined format. The following description defines the data format and an example of the XML file that can be read by Crimestar RMS. When the appropriate data is supplied Crimestar will import (create a record) the Citation and create or update related references in the Master Name Index, Master Name Involvement History, Master Vehicle Index, Master Vehicle Involvement History & Racial Profiling.
Crimestar utilizes the Microsoft XML parsing engine to import XML data into a cursor. As such, when no corresponding XSD file or in-line schema is provided the Microsoft XML parsing engine will attempt to determine the data type and convert the data accordingly. In such cases strings containing only digits are typically converted to integers. Leading zero's on numeric strings will be dropped from the data as part of that conversion. Vendors creating XML files for import into Crimestar,can specify and use an XSD schema file in conjunction with the XML to define the data type of the data in the XML file. Unless a valid path is specified in the XML header, the XSD file should be located in the same folder or directory where the XML file is found; or optionally the XSD file can be placed in the Crimestar program directory. If an XSD file is defined in the header of the XML but the XSD file cannot be located by the import utility program an error will occur and no data will be processed. Both the XML file and the related XSD file (if specified) should be in the same folder on the workstation's local hard drive. When no XSD file is referenced the XML file, the Crimestar Citation import process will attempt to detect the data type of each field and convert it as needed.
Where data is missing from a required xml data field the data record will be skipped and no import shall occur. For xml data values that exceed the maximum data length defined, the data will be truncated. Where specific data fields are linked to RMS user definable code tables, the code values specified in the xml import file should correspond with the code table values defined by the customer site so that the appropriate code description can be displayed within RMS.
Field Description |
Data Type |
Maximum Length |
Field Linked to User Defined Code Table |
Required |
Alternate <Tag> Name(s) |
<citation_no>1234567</citation_no> |
Citation # / Ticket # |
Character |
15 |
Yes |
<ticket_no> |
<cit_type>W</cit_type> |
Citation Type |
Character |
1 |
X |
<incident_no>9876543</incident_no> |
Related Incident # |
Character |
15 |
<incident> |
<accident_no>09-12345</accident_no> |
Related Accident # |
Character |
20 |
<other_no>ABC123</other_no> |
Other Reference # |
Character |
15 |
<event_no>091280056</event_no> |
Event # |
Character |
12 |
<date_occurred>01/01/2008</date_occurred> |
Date of Citation |
Date |
10 |
<viodate> |
<time_occurred>14:23</time_occurred> |
Time of Citation |
Character |
5 |
<viotime> |
<officer_id>SB2431</officer_id> |
Officer Identification / Badge |
Character |
6 |
X |
<officer1> |
<agency>SJPD</agency> |
Agency Code |
Character |
6 |
X |
<program>BP</program> |
Program or Unit Code |
Character |
2 |
<last_name>DOE</last_name> |
Last Name (Violator Info) |
Character |
20 |
Yes |
<first_name>JOHN</first_name> |
First name |
Character |
14 |
Yes |
<middle_name>DAVID</middle_name> |
Middle Name |
Character |
14 |
<pers_type>S</pers_type> |
Person Type Code |
Character |
1 |
X |
<dob>07/04/1951</dob> |
Date of Birth |
Date |
10 |
Yes |
<birth_date> |
<dl_no>N9192387</dl_no> |
DL - Drivers License # |
Character |
20 |
<license_no> |
<dl_state>CA</dl_state> |
DL - Drivers License State |
Character |
2 |
X |
<license_state> |
<dl_class>3</dl_class> |
DL - Drivers License Class / Type |
Character |
7 |
X |
<license_type> |
<id_only>F</id_only> |
Identification Only |
Logical |
1 |
<address_1>123 N MAIN ST W</address_1> |
Home Address. |
Character |
100 |
<digits>123</digits> |
Address Digits |
Character |
6 |
<prefix>N</prefix> |
Address Street Prefix |
Character |
2 |
X |
<street_name>MAIN</street_name> |
Address (root) Street Name |
Character |
30 |
<street_type>ST</street_type> |
Address Street Type Code |
Character |
2 |
X |
<suffix>W</suffix> |
Address Street Suffix |
Character N,S,E,W,NE, |
2 |
X |
<apartment>5A</apartment> |
Address Apartment/Suite # |
Character |
6 |
<city>SAN JOSE</city> |
Address City |
Character |
20 |
<res_county>SANTA CLARA</res_county> |
Address/Residence County (used with Racial Profile) |
Character |
20 |
<state>CA</state> |
Address State |
Character |
2 |
X |
<zip_code>95153</zip_code> |
Address Zip Code |
Character |
10 |
<zip> |
<telephone>408 123-4567</telephone> |
Home Phone. |
Character |
12 |
<area_code>408</area_code> |
Home Phone Area Code |
Character |
3 |
<phone>123-4567</phone> |
Home Phone Number |
Character |
8 |
<work_telephone>408 765-4321</work_telephone> |
Work Phone. |
Character |
12 |
<bustel> |
<w_area_code>408<w_area_code> |
Work Phone Area Code |
Character |
3 |
<w_phone>765-4321</w_phone> |
Work Phone Number |
Character |
8 |
<cell_area_code>408</cell_area_code> |
Cell Phone Area Code |
Character |
3 |
<cell_phone>321-7654</cell_phone> |
Cell Phone Number |
Character |
8 |
<sex>M</sex> |
Subject's Sex (M, F) |
Character |
1 |
X |
<race>W</race> |
Subject's Race |
Character |
1 |
X |
<height>5-10</height> |
Subject's Height |
Character |
4 |
<weight>195</weight> |
Subject's Weight |
Numeric |
3 |
<hair_color>BLK</hair_color> |
Subject's Hair Color |
Character |
3 |
X |
<hair_col> |
<eye_color>BRO</eye_color> |
Subject's Eye Color |
Character |
3 |
X |
<eye_col> |
<ss_no>123-45-6789</ss_no> |
Social security Number |
Character |
11 |
<ssn> |
<local_no>DD98767</local_no> |
Local ID # |
Character |
15 |
<other_id> |
<state_no>D987899900</state_no> |
State ID # |
Character |
15 |
<fbi_no>ASD09878</fbi_no> |
FBI # |
Character |
15 |
<scars>LFT SHLD</scars> |
Scars / Marks & Tattoos |
Character |
100 |
<tattoos>EAGLE</tattoos> |
Scars / Marks & Tattoos |
Character |
100 |
<employer>ABC PLUMBING</employer> |
Violator's Employer Name |
Character |
30 |
<e_digits>4521</e_digits> |
Digits for Employer Address |
Character |
6 |
<e_prefix>W</e_prefix> |
Street Prefix for Employer Address |
Character |
2 |
X |
<e_street>MAPLE</e_street> |
Street Name for Employer Address |
Character |
20 |
<e_street_type>AV</e_street_type> |
Street Type for Employer Address |
Character |
2 |
X |
<e_suffix>E</e_suffix> |
Street Suffix for Employer Address |
Character |
2 |
X |
<e_city>CUPERTINO</e_city> |
City for Employer Address |
Character |
20 |
<e_state>CA</e_state> |
State for Employer Address |
Character |
2 |
X |
<e_zip_code>95014</e_zip_code> |
Zip Code for Employer Address |
Character |
10 |
<veh_license>ABC123</veh_license> |
Vehicle License # / Plate # |
Character |
8 |
<vehlicno> |
<veh_lis>CA</veh_lis> |
Vehicle License Issue State |
Character |
2 |
X |
<vehlicst> |
<veh_lic_expires>2007<veh_lic_expires> |
Vehicle License Year / Expires |
Numeric |
4 |
<vehlicyr> |
<veh_vin>A12345678B656432</veh_vin> |
Vehicle Identification Number |
Character |
30 |
<vin> |
<veh_type>PC</veh_type> |
Vehicle Model Type Code |
Character |
2 |
X |
<type> |
<veh_make>FORD</veh_make> |
Vehicle Make |
Character |
4 |
X |
<make> |
<veh_model>FOCUS</veh_model> |
Vehicle Model |
Character |
8 |
<model> |
<veh_style>SD</veh_style> |
Vehicle Style |
Character |
2 |
X |
<veh_year>2006</veh_year> |
Vehicle Model Year |
Numeric |
4 |
<year> |
<veh_color>BLU</veh_color> |
Vehicle Primary Color |
Character |
3 |
X |
<color> |
<veh_color2>BLK</veh_color2> |
Vehicle Secondary Color |
Character |
3 |
X |
<color2> |
<veh_comment>BEAT UP</veh_comment> |
Vehicle Comment |
Character |
50 |
<owner_name>JOHN DOE</owner_name> |
Vehicle Owner Name |
Character |
40 |
<owner> |
<owner_add>123 W MAIN</owner_add> |
Vehicle Owner Address |
Character |
40 |
<oaddr> |
<owner_city>SAN JOSE</owner_city> |
Vehicle Owner Address City |
Character |
20 |
<ocity> |
<owner_state>CA</owner_state> |
Vehicle Owner State |
Character |
2 |
X |
<ostate> |
<owner_zip>95153</owner_zip> |
Vehicle Owner Zip Code |
Character |
10 |
<ozip> |
<loc_street>428 N BROADWAY</loc_street> |
Citation Location |
Character |
40 |
<location> |
<loc_digits>428</loc_digits> |
Citation Location Street Digits |
Character |
6 |
<loc_prefix>N</loc_prefix> |
Citation Location Street Prefix |
Character |
2 |
X |
<loc_street_name>BROADWAY</loc_street_name> |
Citation Location Street Name |
Character |
30 |
<loc_street_type></loc_street_type> |
Citation Location Street Type |
Character |
2 |
X |
<loc_suffix></loc_suffix> |
Citation Loc. Street Suffix |
Character |
2 |
X |
<loc_apartment></loc_apartment> |
Citation Location Apartment |
Character |
6 |
<loc_city>SAN JOSE</loc_city> |
Citation Location City |
Character |
20 |
<loc_county>SNTCLR</loc_county> |
Citation Location County Code |
Character |
6 |
X |
<county> |
<loc_state>CA</loc_state> |
Citation Location State |
Character |
2 |
X |
<beat>23</beat> |
Citation Location Beat |
Character |
6 |
X |
<sector>K</sector> |
Citation Location Sector |
Character |
6 |
X |
<district>01</district> |
Citation Location District |
Character |
6 |
X |
<dot>N</dot> |
Direction of Travel |
Character |
2 |
<direction> |
<speed>32</speed> |
Speed of Vehicle |
Numeric |
4 |
<veh_speed> |
<p_speed>25</p_speed> |
Posted Speed |
Numeric |
3 |
<speed_lmt> |
<lane>1</lane> |
Roadway Lane |
Numeric |
1 |
<radar>Y</radar> |
Radar Used |
Logical |
1 |
<radtype> |
<radar_id>T123</radar_id> |
Radar ID # |
Character |
10 |
<radar_calibrated>01/01/2008</radar_calibrated> |
Radar Calibration Date |
DateTime |
10 |
<accident>N</accident> |
Accident involved |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<laser>Y</laser> |
Laser Used |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<radtype> |
<construction_zone>N</construction_zone> |
Construction Zone Violation |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<construction> |
<commercial_veh>N</commercial_veh> |
Commercial Vehicle Involved |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<commercial_yn> |
<hazmat>N</hazmat> |
Hazardous Materials Involved |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<hazzardous_yn> |
<weather>CLR</weather> |
Weather Conditions |
Character |
4 |
X |
<surface>DRY</surface> |
Roadway Surface |
Character |
4 |
X |
<road_surface> |
<roadway>MOD</roadway> |
Roadway Conditions |
Character |
4 |
X |
<lighting>DAY</lighting> |
Lighting Conditions |
Character |
4 |
X |
<notes>Test Comment</notes> |
Officer Notes |
Character |
Unlimited |
<vmemo> |
<viocode>22350VC</viocode> |
Violation Code #1 |
Character |
20 |
X |
<link1> |
<viocode_fine>20.00</viocode_fine> |
Violation Code #1 fine amount |
Numeric |
8.2 |
<viocode_warning>N</viocode_warning> |
Violation Code #1 is a Warning |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<warning> |
<viocode_docket>123456789</viocode_docket> |
Violation Code #1 Docket # reference |
Character |
20 |
<viocode_dispo>PD</viocode_dispo> |
Violation Code #1 Disposition Code This should match a defined code in the Crimestar system configuration Disposition code table. |
Character |
4 |
X |
<viocode2>22450VC</viocode2> |
Violation Code #2 This should match a defined code in the Crimestar system configuration Offense table. The code descriptions are derived from that table and not from <XML> input. |
Character |
20 |
X |
<link2> |
<viocode2_fine>30.00</viocode2_fine> |
Violation Code #2 fine amount |
Numeric |
8.2 |
<viocode2_warning>N</viocode2_warning> |
Violation Code #2 is a Warning |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<warning2> |
<viocode2_docket>123456789</viocode2_docket> |
Violation Code #2 Docket # reference |
Character |
20 |
<viocode2_dispo>PD</viocode2_dispo> |
Violation Code #2 Disposition
Code |
Character |
4 |
X |
<viocode3>4000aVC</viocode3> |
Violation Code #3 This should match a defined code in the Crimestar system configuration Offense table. The code descriptions are derived from that table and not from <XML> input. |
Character |
20 |
X |
<link3> |
<viocode3_fine>40.00</viocode3_fine> |
Violation Code #3 fine amount |
Numeric |
8.2 |
<viocode3_warning>Y</viocode3_warning> |
Violation Code #3 is a Warning |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<warning3> |
<viocode3_docket>123456789</viocode3_docket> |
Violation Code #3 Docket # reference |
Character |
20 |
<viocode3_dispo>PD</viocode3_dispo> |
Violation Code #3 Disposition
Code |
Character |
4 |
X |
<viocode4>26710VC</viocode4> |
Violation Code #4 This should match a defined code in the Crimestar system configuration Offense table. The code descriptions are derived from that table and not from <XML> input. |
Character |
20 |
X |
<link4> |
<viocode4_fine>50.00</viocode4_fine> |
Violation Code #4 fine amount |
Numeric |
8.2 |
<viocode4_warning>N</viocode4_warning> |
Violation Code #4 is a Warning |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<warning4> |
<viocode4_docket>123456789</viocode4_docket> |
Violation Code #4 Docket # reference |
Character |
20 |
<viocode4_dispo>PD</viocode4_dispo> |
Violation Code #4 Disposition
Code |
Character |
4 |
X |
<viocode5>24400VC</viocode5> |
Violation Code #5 This should match a defined code in the Crimestar system configuration Offense table. The code descriptions are derived from that table and not from <XML> input. |
Character |
20 |
X |
<link5> |
<viocode5_fine>55.50</viocode5_fine> |
Violation Code #5 fine amount |
Numeric |
8.2 |
<viocode5_warning>N</viocode5_warning> |
Violation Code #5 is a Warning |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<warning5> |
<viocode5_docket>123456789</viocode5_docket> |
Violation Code #5 Docket # reference |
Character |
20 |
<viocode5_dispo>PD</viocode5_dispo> |
Violation Code #5 Disposition
Code |
Character |
4 |
X |
<court_id>SCC Muni</court_id> |
Court ID Reference |
Character |
10 |
<court_date>03/01/2008</court_date> |
Court Date for Citation |
Date |
10 |
<duedate> |
<court_time>12:15</court_time> |
Court Time for Citation |
Character |
5 |
<duetime> |
<trial_date>07/04/2008</trial_date> |
Trial Date for Citation |
Date |
10 |
<total_fine>195.5</total_fine> |
Total Citation Fine Amount |
Numeric |
8.2 |
<dateenter>01/01/2008</dateenter> |
Entry date for Citation |
Date |
10 |
<veh_stop_type>MOVING</veh_stop_type> |
Uses a single keyword to defines the type of violation or reason circumstance that resulted in the stop.
Only the following 4 values are recognized: MOVING |
Character |
20 |
<moving_type>SPEED</moving_type> |
Uses a keyword(s) to define the type of moving violation when <veh_stop_type> is "MOVING".
Only the following 7 values are recognized: SPEED Any value other than the keywords defined above will be categorized as OTHER. If multiple keywords are to be specified they should be delimited by a colon ":" character. Example;
Character |
20 |
<il_ped_reason>ACTIONS</il_ped_reason> * Illinois Only |
Uses a single keyword to define the reason for a pedestrian stop.
The following 7 keyword values are recognized: ACTIONS
Any value other than the keywords defined above will be categorized as OTHER. |
<stop_length>8</stop_length> |
Racial Profile Length of Stop (in minutes) |
Numeric |
3 |
<jailed>N</jailed> |
Racial Profile Jailed Flag |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<intstatehgwy>N</intstatehgwy> |
Racial Profile Inter State Hwy Flag |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<ushgwy>N</ushgwy> |
Racial Profile US Hwy Flag |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<statehgwy>N</statehgwy> |
Racial Profile State Hwy Flag |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<countyroad>N</countyroad> |
Racial Profile County Road Flag |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<cityroad>Y</cityroad> |
Racial Profile City Road Flag |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<searched>Y</searched> |
Racial Profile Searched Flag |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<consent>Y</consent> |
Consent Search Flag. Only applies when <searched> is TRUE or Y |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<probable>Y</probable> |
Probable Cause Search Flag Only applies when <searched> is TRUE or Y |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<duration>3</duration> |
Search Duration in minutes Only applies when <searched> is TRUE |
Numeric |
3 |
<race_known_prior>N</race_known_prior> |
Race Known Prior to Stop |
Logical (Y/N) |
1 |
<rkpts> |
Example,Showing reference to an XSD schema file named Mobile_1_1.xsd where within the XML file, <CITData></CITData> represents the XML block to be processed and <cit></cit> represents the citation record block itself with only the <citation_no> and <cit_type> XML field elements defined. :
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes"?>
<CITData xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="\\Mobile_1_1.xsd">
The following XML data block listed between the ******* lines can be copied and pasted into a file to create a sample stand-alone (non-xsd) test file.
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes"?>
<address_1>123 N MAIN ST W</address_1>
<city>SAN JOSE</city>
<res_county>SANTA CLARA</res_county>
<telephone>408 123-4567</telephone>
<work_telephone>408 765-4321</work_telephone>
<scars>LFT SHLD</scars>
<veh_comment>BEAT UP</veh_comment>
<owner_name>JOHN DOE</owner_name>
<owner_add>123 W MAIN</owner_add>
<owner_city>SAN JOSE</owner_city>
<loc_street>428 N BROADWAY</loc_street>
<loc_city>SAN JOSE</loc_city>
<notes>Test Comment</notes>
<court_id>SCC Muni</court_id>
See Also Citation Export File Format