Century Rollover


When entering a date, it is common for most people to enter it as mm/dd/yy rather than mm/dd/ccyy. However Crimestar stores all dates with full Century Resolution. So when a user simply enters mm/dd/yy Crimestar must make a decision as to what century value should be used. As a result, CrimeStar utilizes a Century Rollover value for each form.

You can access the century rollover value, by clicking the right mouse button on a blank or empty portion of the base form (Not on a pageframe or other form control). At that point a "Form Properties" form will appear and allow you to set certain values that are specific to that module form. One of those values is the "Century Rollover".


The Century Rollover value serves as a cut-off point that CrimeStar uses to determine which century value to use in a date. In short it compares the YY value you enter against the rollover value to see if it is greater or less than the rollover value. Any YY value entered which is less than the century rollover will cause CrimeStar to assume it to be a date in the next century. Likewise any date greater than the century rollover value will be assumed to be in the current century. So for example, if the century rollover is set to 20 then when a user enters a date of 01/01/01, Crimestar will assume that the century has rolled over and it will set the date to 01/01/2101. If the user enters a date of 01/01/30, Crimestar will assume that the century has not rolled over and it will set the date to 01/01/2030.


So by adjusting the Century Rollover you can control what century Crimestar assumes it to be based on the YY value you enter. Regardless of the century rollover value, dates can always be fully qualified with the century when they are entered and (assuming it is a valid date) the date will remain as entered.