Approve Incident / Accident Reports


The Approve Incident / Accident Reports component of the Case management portion of Crimestar RMS provides authorized users and supervisors with the ability to quickly see a list of reports that fall into one of 3 categories:


1. Not Reviewed

2. Reviewed / Not Approved

3. Reviewed / Approved.


From this list of reports the user can quickly recall a report, review it, and assign the appropriate review status and respective reviewer identification. The system can contain reports that are incomplete and not ready to be reviewed by a supervisor. A reporting officer can indicate that his/her report is finished/corrected and is ready for review by checking the "Report is Complete and Ready for Review" indicator on the Status page of the Incident/Accident. Reports that are completed and ready for review appear highlighted in Yellow. Note changing a reports review status to "Reviewed / Not Approved" will automatically uncheck the "Report Completed" indicator. Changing a reports review status to Reviewed / Approved" will automatically check the "Report Completed" indicator.


The reviewer may also assign a report to a particular investigator and optionally "Lock" the report so that it can not be modified by anyone from that point on. Note this form of "Locking" is different from that described in the section ( "How to Lock a Record" ). This form of Locking applies only to Incident and Accident reports and is independent of user access levels as defined in the security module. If desired the user may also generate a "Kickback Message" to the originating officer of the report providing them with comments and instructions for report completion or correction.



See Also:

Case Management

Kickback Messages