Accident Module


The accident module captures information associated with different types of vehicle accidents. This module has the ability to capture information relating to both Persons and Vehicles.


The accident module form consists of 4 pages; General Info, Persons, Vehicles & Narrative.


The General Info. Page provides a series of data fields intended to capture or display the basic face sheet information from an accident collision report. Some of the data fields on this page labeled in RED may be required ( See: Why are some field labels red ).


The second page (Persons) provides the ability capture name, address, telephone and physical description information on an unlimited number of people. Each person must have a reference indicating the vehicle # they are associated with and an Accident Involvement Code to indicate how they are related to the accident. Pedestrians, witnesses and other persons that are not associated with a vehicle should have a vehicle # reference of zero (0). Each person listed in the accident document is linked to the master name index file. The page provides the user with CrimeStars quick-fill feature to speed the data entry process. To receive instructions on how to Add or Delete names on the Accident Persons Page see : Adding & Deleting Entries from linked lists.


The third page (Vehicle) provides the ability to capture Vehicle Identification information, owner information, damage and insurance information. This page actually contains 3 sub-pages. For each vehicle entered as part of the accident these three sub-pages should be completed. . To receive instructions on how to Add or Delete vehicles on the Accident Vehicle Page see: Adding & Deleting Entries from linked lists.


The last page (Narrative) of the accident form is a simple free form narrative page where specific text or statements regarding the accident can be documented. This text edit field has an unlimited capacity. When the amount of text that will fit within the viewable window is exceeded a scroll bar will appear on the right side of the text edit box.




See Also : Modules
  Involvement Types
  Auto Numbering