MDC - Query Person


A query person returns a summary display list, up to a default maximum of 25 records from the Crimestar RMS Master Name Index file that specifically match the search criteria provided.  If the search criteria to too broad, the result of the query may contain more than 25 records.  If/when this happens the MDC controller will not return a summary list of names, but rather notify the requesting MDC that too many records matched and the search criteria should be narrowed.

The query person command activates a popup dialog window that allows the user to specify either a last name, first name, Date of Birth (DOB), Drivers License Number (DL#) and DL State.  The search may be conducted using any or all of the search criteria fields.  This form contains no default values except for the Local, DL and Warrant search options which are defaulted to ON.  After entering the desired person search criteria click the TRANSMIT button.  Note that the TRANSMIT button can be activated using the ALT+T accelerator key sequence.


The person query will be submitted to the MDC Controller for a database search based on the search criteria provided by the user.  Once the database search is completed, the appropriate master name index record(s) will be returned as a message to the requesting MDC.   The summary return data for a Person query displays the Last Name, First Name, DOB, Race, Sex, Height, Weight, Hair Color and Eye Color.  While this is likely not all the information that is available on the subject(s), it should be enough to narrow down or allow the user to select the specific master name Index record that they wish to view.


The last name value on each row is underlined and functions as a Link to that specific record.  Clicking on that link will cause the MDC workstation to initiate a query for that specific record.  The results of that new specific record query will be returned to the requesting MDC workstation as a new message containing the detail information for that subject.  The number of records returned in a summary list can be controlled via the MAX_SUMMARY_MATCH INI setting on the controller.

When a detail person record is returned from the local Crimestar RMS database, information is gathered primarily from the Master Name Index (MNI) file.  In addition to the MNI data a warrant and caution check is performed for that specific subject any associated warrant and caution data is presented at the top of the page.  While the Crimestar RMS MNI file maintains an address history for each subject, only the most recent address of record is returned.  Likewise, if an MNI photos for the subject are available only the most recent photo is returned to the MDC.  

A detail person record will contain a list of that subject’s involvements where each involvement is a hyperlink to the RMS detail record for that MNI involvement.

Query Person - Image Size / Reduction

Sending an image to the MDC can consume considerable radio / communications band-width and can, depending upon your network, significantly delay message response time.  By reducing the image size the number of packets required to deliver a message can be reduced.  Reducing the total number of message packets will speed up the delivery of the message and increase overall system performance.  How much to reduce the image size will depend upon the screen resolution of the MDC field units and personal preference.  Below are two examples of the same image.  When full sized the image is 250x250 pixels and measures approx 3.5” square.  At that size the image is 30,000 bytes consuming considerable band-width.  Additionally an image at this size will consume a considerable amount of screen space when displayed.  This may cause other data fields on the screen to wrap or be shifted altering the readability of the form.  

Below is a 30,000 byte image.  This image measures approx 3.5” square.  It was captured at:  250 x 250 pixels, (72 pixels per inch) and 24 bit (16 Million ) color resolution.

The same image can be reduced to a much smaller size that is still very legible.  Here is the same image reduced to 75x75 pixels at 24 bit (16 Million ) color resolution resulting in a file that measures approx 1” square.  

This reduced size image consumes only 4.5K (4,500 bytes)   making it much easier and more efficient to transmit.