California DOJ Standardized JMS Data Extract    (Not Available in the Basic / 'Lite' Edition)


The RMS system provides the ability to extract certain information, based on available data elements, from the Booking Module to produce the California DOJ Standardized JMS Data Extract files based on the published specification version 1.3.  This extract process is performed on demand via the program's File/Export menu option.  Per the published specification this extract process creates four (4) separate pipe delimited data files and names them in accordance with the related file naming requirements. The four (4) files created are as follows:


  1. Offender Admission Records

  2. Charges Admission Records

  3. Offender Release Records

  4. Charges Release Records


The format for these respective Offender and Charge export data files is listed below.  

The following table was extracted directly from the California DOJ published specification and define the data fields used in both the ADMISSION and RELEASE Offender output files.


The following table was extracted directly from the California DOJ published specification and define the data fields used in both the ADMISSION and RELEASE Charges output files.