Dispatch a Unit

Status Monitor Code: D

Dispatching a Unit serves to assign a unit to an event and record the date and time that a unit has been made aware of a particular call for service or event.  Before a unit can be dispatched to an event, the event record must exist; the unit must be in service and in an available (AV) status.  You can dispatch a unit using any one of the following 7 methods:

  1. Select the appropriate event, select the appropriate unit and click the ‘Dispatch’ command button on the CAD Control Panel.

  2. Select the appropriate event, and drag and drop the unit from the unit status monitor to the ‘Dispatch’ command button on the CAD Control Panel.

  3. Select the appropriate event, and drag and drop the unit from the CAD map status monitor to the ‘Dispatch’ command button on the CAD Control Panel.

  4. Drag and drop the unit from the unit status monitor to the event on the event status monitor. (This method is not recommended in a multiple dispatcher environment since the event status monitor represents a dynamically changing drop target.)

  5. With the event displayed in the Call Taker –Event Form, drag the unit from the unit status monitor and drop it on the Call Taker – Event Form.

  6. With the event displayed in the Call Taker –Event Form, drag the unit from the CAD Map status monitor and drop it on the Call Taker – Event Form.

  7. Type the following period-delimited command syntax: D.UNITID.EVENTNO.COMMENT

Dispatching a unit on an event that has a “Pending” or “Complete” status will change the event status to “Active”.  Additionally, if the event’s safety timer has expired dispatching a unit to the event will reset the timer.

* Dispatching multiple units (up to 10) to an event at the same time can be performed from the command line using the following command line syntax:


Note that when using the MD syntax you must specify the Event # before specifying the period delimited list of up to 10 units to dispatch to that event.