Crimestar.INI File Settings for CAD


The Crimestar CAD workstation can work differently depending upon how various entries in the [CAD] section of the CRIMESTAR.INI file are set.  This section will explain the available INI file settings that relate to CAD and will explain what they do.

• The following entries hold the Crimestar license information for the CAD workstation.


• The following entry is used to cause event records to be automatically saved/created upon the user entering a call type and location in the event form.   When CAD_AUTOSAVE is set on the event is automatically created as soon as the user tabs out of the location field.  Additionally when this setting is ON other workstations are notified each time a field on an event record is changed.


Any other workstation displaying the same event on a call taker form as the event changed will automatically display a message notifying the dispatcher as follows;

This Event has been changed or Cleared,
Please REFRESH this form.



The call taker event form will be locked and unavailable for modification until the user refreshes the event display by pressing the refresh button on the Call Taker – Event Form.

• The following entry determines if CAD will search the RMS Calls For Service table to check for duplicate Event Number before assigning a new number to an event.  The default for this setting is ON.  Setting this OFF may speed up the process of assigning an event number, but will not provide this double-check for duplicate numbers.


• The following entries are usually set interactively via the CAD configuration screen and hold a numeric value representing the color to be used on workstation status monitors, for specific unit status codes and conditions.


• The following entries are usually set interactively via the CAD configuration screen and hold a numeric value representing the color to be used on workstation status monitors, for specific event status codes and conditions.


• The following entries are usually set interactively via the CAD configuration screen and hold a numeric value representing the safety timer, time-interval in minutes, to be used on workstation status monitors, for specific unit status codes.


• The following entries are usually set interactively via the CAD configuration screen and hold on/off values to determine if sounds should be used at the workstation.


• The following entry is set manually and determines if the optional CAD Map Display Status Monitor activation button is enabled on the CAD Control Panel.


• The following entries are used to configure the button labels for the 4 customizable views.


• The following entry is used to identify a CAD workstation position.  Each CAD workstation should be given a unique position ID that matches any PSAP 911 station id configured into the local PSAP telephone equipment.  This value is used for broadcast message addressing (DISP1, DISP2, etc.) and E911 ALI/ANI data routing when the E911 interface is present.


This value is also used for workstation identification and message routing through the Crimestar message switch.

• The following entry is used to automatically remember the positions and filtering options of all status monitors at a CAD workstation upon closing CAD via the CAD Control Panel and automatically restore all status windows them back to their original position and state when CAD restarts on that workstation.


• The following entries are set manually and holds on/off values to determine if a CAD workstation should create the optional “cs_webstatus.html” HTTP based status monitor file.  Likewise, you can specify a path to indicate the disk, folder or directory where the file is to be created and the Frequency that the Web browser should re-read or refresh its display of the HTML file contents.  When specifying a path try not to select a directory or location that will experience access delays due to network complexity or security as this will slow the CAD workstations speed of operation.

ST_HTML_FREQUENCY=               (Value in Seconds. Default is 15)

• The following entries are set manually and cause a CAD workstation to, upon closing an event, create an XML file representation of that event and save it in a specified directory or folder.  The XML file created uses the CAD Event # as the file name.  Once the XML file is created, it can then be read and processed by other external systems that wish to receive data from Crimestar CAD in real time.

CAD_EVENT_XML=ON/OFF                  (default is OFF)

• The following entry determines if CAD should use the configuration settings in the CFS configuration of RMS.  The CFS configuration settings can be found on the “CFS” page of the Crimestar RMS Configuration form.


This option will enforce the following CFS configuration settings in CAD:

• Beat Required
• Sector Required
• District Required
• Call Source Required
• List call types by Description

Note: The Call Disposition field is ALWAYS REQUIRED IN CAD

When this option is ON event records will not close unless ALL the required fields are completed.

• The following entry is used to determine if CAD should automatically search certain RMS tables for BOL’s and/or active Warrants when a license place is specified as part of a Vehicle Stop command or when a subject name is specified as part of a Subject Stop command.


• The following entries are used to determine if the CAD workstation should automatically attempt to synchronize (set) the local computer’s clock (date & time) with a master Internet/Intranet Time Server.  Since all CAD actions are time-stamped it is critically important that the computer clock on all CAD workstation be kept as accurate as possible.  The NETCLOCK= entry in the INI file determines if the CAD workstation will attempt to access a master time server and set the local clock.  If NETCLOCK=ON, CAD workstations will attempt to access the defined master time server and set the local computer’s clock approximately every 20 minutes. The NETCLOCK_IP= entry determines the IP address of the Internet or Intranet Time Server.  The NETCLOCK_PORT= entry determines the port used by the NETCLOCK process.

NETCLOCK_IP= (Default is: or "”)
NETCLOCK_PORT=37 (Default is port 37)

When using the NETCLOCK process in CAD be sure to open any routers or firewalls to allow traffic for the NETCLOCK_PORT to pass thru.  If the NETCLOCK process can not immediately obtain access to the defined master time server, it will retry for 3 seconds before timing out and giving up.  

Note: Our use of the term NETCLOCK does not imply a use of or correlation to the “NETCLOCK” brand of master time devices.

Whenever possible, time correction and synchronization should be performed directly via Windows Operating System or via commercially available time synchronization utilities that run external to Crimestar CAD.  The NETCLOCK feature is inclusive in CAD as a last resort for network workstations with no other mechanism for handling time synchronization to a master time source.  

• The following entry notifies the CAD workstation that the E911 Interface exists on the network and that it should enable the E911 data import command button.


• The following entry holds the Crimestar E911 interface license information.  This particular setting would be in the INI file on the E911 interface computer and not necessarily on the CAD workstation computer.


• The following entry instructs the Crimestar E911 interface to automatically start when the program is started.   The default is OFF


The Crimestar CAD workstation can also utilize the following default value entries in the [CONFIGURATION] section of the CRIMESTAR.INI file.  These entries are also shared by the CFS module and other various aspects of the Crimestar RMS program.