The accident module captures and indexes the basic information found on a traffic accident form. This includes the basic data concerning when and where the accident occurred and what the weather, road and traffic conditions were at the time of the collision. Additionally the accident module has the ability to capture and unlimited number of associated persons and vehicles. Both persons and vehicles are classified to indicate how they related to the collision.


Accident General Information

The General Information section of the Accident Module captures key information such as the agency assigned accident number, Date, Time and Location. This page also captures important weather, roadway and traffic related information which was present at the time of the accident. This additional information is derived from user definable code tables which maintains consistency and accuracy within the data when dealing with fields which have many possible variables.

Accident Associated Names/Persons

This section captures the name, drivers license #, address and telephone number and physical description  of each person referenced in the accident report. The module indicates the persons relation to the  accident as being either a Driver, Passenger, Pedestrian, Witness or Other. Then each person is assigned  a "Party #" which can then be used to reference people as being together in a vehicle and which provide  a link to the vehicle referenced on the vehicle page.  Names associated with an accident are linked  to the Master Name Index Module.

Accident Associated Vehicles

This section captures information about the vehicles involved in the accident. Each vehicle is assigned a number  which relates it to people associated with the accident. Standard information such as vehicle license, make, model, style and color are captured stored within the accident module and are linked to the Master Vehicle Index.  Other accident related information such as the direction of travel, speed, movement preceding collision, damage and location of damage can be maintained.


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